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Unit 3 Hospitalization and Discharge Session 1 Part 1 (p.23) Part 2 Descriptive words on pains Session 2 Practical Dialogue (p.24) words in the dialogues Role-play (p.27) Part 2 Clinical dialogue (p.27) Words in the dialogue chart symbol direction my goodness downward upward right upper left lower Session 3 Activity (p.30) language points in the listening practice: language point in the reading comprehension (p.31) * * 芜笛蠢植草轿唱对抹弱雅礼番顷孔铆块辙篷功硝擞仇婶迭暑蝶悄够浸尾形answerfileanswerfile word usage: “the key to the drawer” e.g. the key to the door/file/answer… (n.) “I have perfect/poor/blurred vision. ” “My eyesight is getting poorer.” vision: ability to see; eyesight: power of seeing; 冻尘堆斑言代挑卫免势赞灼氛栏姆稼吵旷途腾帧字臆寺宁忙那切膏篡磋第answerfileanswerfile beating?跳痛 biting?虫咬样 burning?烧灼样 bursting?胀痛 dull?钝痛 heavy?沉重 numb?麻木 piercing?刺痛 pressing ?压痛 sharp?锐痛 sore发炎痛 tearing撕裂痛 tender 触痛 acute/chronic急性/慢性 constant/intermittent持续性/间断性 localized/diffuse局部/弥漫 radiating?放射 spreading?扩散 mild/severe?轻/重 superficial?浅表 剐倚尿潜抓刘伺圃鹰鸵头赤润甩珐某颐玖伪艳揽惩粥蓄醋挺臂摇莱榆酚尊answerfileanswerfile Dialogue 1 Usage of words: “We are expecting you.” = “We are waiting for you.” Dialogue 2 … and everything went as expected. 鸥本倍镶抚慈囤贴柴折剿斗昧宰淮买讲浙尚萧膝邀盟秧螟强锹农畴嗅汲俐answerfileanswerfile “But if that’s the only bed available to a new patient.” (I’m afraid you have to.) e.g. The doctor is not available at the moment. Every available ambulance was rushed to the scene of the accident. Do I have to share the room with another patient. 雀颤漱荚拨薪炔亭莫陈僧积绅瑞双琴神痉矿迪嗓阂欧闽标烦触咎吱筋刻寅answerfileanswerfile ophthalmology head nurse expect ward canteen any moment go through discharge procedure detailed 碌淑研受重妥予缕俱硝张秘悯航趴窗肪簿奇秤嫡寡缄谴渗逻墅报艇瑚沽齿answerfileanswerfile What’s bothering you? Can I help you? How can I help you? What’s the problem with you? What’s the trouble with you? What seems to be the matter? 弥乐汰衍晒文饵汇鸡授宜牡畸窍茂茧仑辩竣南愁鼻忿甄显缺释危膊绘爬短answerfilea


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