Busiess Meeting.ppt

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Teaching important points The students improve interpreting skills and performance. master the basic words and expressions about business meeting. know some cultural background knowledge about business meeting. Teaching difficult points The students improve interpreting skills and performance. know some cultural background knowledge about business meeting. 6.今天讨论的议题是如何提高我们在农村市场的销售。 7.我认为农村顾客希望得到同城市顾客同等的重视。 8.我建议我们分成小组来讨论刚才陈述中提出的看法。 9 The Chinese obviously realize that these imported technical presentations (or seminars), which the PRC terms “ technical exchanges”,help fill in some gap in their technological knowledge. 中国人很明白,在华举行的他们称为“技术交流”外国技术展示(或座谈) 有助于填补技术知识方面的空白。 10 we should be more active to introduce more advanced management techniques and technologies and expand exports. 我们要更加积极地引进较先进的管理方法和技术,发展出口。 11 We have been pleased to see the sizable growth of two-way business between the EU countries and China. 我们很高兴地看到我公司与欧洲国家之间的双边贸易有了很大的发展。 12 In the light of the principle of equality, mutual benefit and supplying each other’s needed goods, a trade protocol was signed between the two countries. 本着平等互利、互通有无的原则,两国签订了贸易协定书。 13 I am convinced that the meeting will have a positive impact on shaping a new world pattern. 我相信这次会议将对形成一个心的世界格局产生积极的影响。 2. 人类进入了一个新的世纪。这不仅是简单的年代更迭,它标志着国际社会的经济发展和社会进步的新纪元。这个新世纪的独特之处反映在它朝着多极化的世界和经济全球化的日益迈进上,尤其反映在科学技术的迅猛发展上。 3. 为把我国建设成为现代化的国家,我们要广泛地学习、借鉴国外先进技术和科学管理方法。召开这样的国际会议,积极引进外国智力资源,聘请外国专家来华工作,已经成为我国对外开放的重要组成部分。 4. 我衷心希望各位外国专家、海外华侨专家和国际友人一如既往地支持和帮助中国的建设事业,同事也欢迎有更多的外国专家、海外华人专家和国际友人参加到我们的经济和社会建设中来。我祝愿所有获得有一奖章的专家及其家属在深圳过得愉快。谢谢大家! There are about six billion people in the world. But every person is unique. Some people have black eyes; others have brown eyes. Some have dark hair, others have light hair. Besides humans, there are millions of other living creatures. Some are so tiny that we simply can’t see them with our own eyes. Whatever it is, every living creature is different from every other.// Wh


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