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实 训 报 告 武 汉 工 程 大 学 学生学号 1006 学生姓名 学生成绩 指导教师 课题工作时间 2013.11.1~2013.11.6 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院 摘要 氯化钙是一种用途很广的原料:无水氯化钙是工业和实验室常用干燥剂无机工业用制造金属钙、氯化钡、各种钙盐(如磷酸钙等)的原料建筑工业用作防冻剂微生物工业用作单倍体育种的培养基。此外,还用作织物的防火剂、海港的消雾剂、路面的集尘剂和食品的防腐剂等。氯化钙溶液是致冷工业中重要的冷冻剂也用作海藻酸钠行业、豆制品行业的絮凝剂。。 中试时,我们以氯化钾作为示踪剂,通过测定溶液的电导来间接测定生产液体氯化钙所设计的平台的停留时间,从而得到这个平台的两个釜平均停留时间分别为161min、90min,平均方差分别为3427、3425,N分别为7.56、2.35。 关键词:氯化钙;停留时间;脉冲法;阶跃法 Abstract: Calcium chloride is a very versatile material: anhydrous calcium chloride is commonly used in important industrial and laboratory desiccant; inorganic metal manufacturing industry taking it as raw materials of calcium, microbial haploid breeding industry as a medium. Calcium chloride solution is an important industrial refrigeration refrigerant and a flocculant in sodium alginate industry and soybean industry. Calcium chloride is generally produced with multi-continuous reactors, and thus the process of the scaling problem and its solution are of great significance. In the small scale , by the pulse method, we obtain the residence time distribution, taking advantage of a computer software,and thereby obtain the average residence time of 166.4、292.9、443.2min, variance is 39151.2、43975.7、62038.1, N = 0.7、2.0、3.2, in the three tank reactors ,while the average residence time of 24.9min, variance 128.3 in the tube reactor. In the middle scale test, we take potassium chloride as a tracer and measure the conductance of the solution to determine indirectly the residence time of the platform designed for production of liquid calcium chloride, thereby obtain the average residence time of 100min, the average variance of 1000 , N = 7. of the platform. Key?words:?calcium?chloride;?residence?time;?pulse?and?Step?Method 目录 第一部分 文献综述 1 一、氯化钙的性质




