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国际贸易实务 情景模拟三 商务谈判与合同签订 外商代表:郭阳(经理)、张翼、邓思敏、任巧 洁丽雅公司代表:刘丝丽(总经理)、叶道兴、陈帅、魏湘秀 谈判记录人员:谢巧燕(洁丽雅公司法律顾问) 场景模拟对话 外商代表们与公司代表们一一进入会议室,双方互相握手致意,然后一一在谈判桌旁坐下。 Represents from foreign company and Grace Corporation are coming into the meeting room. They are shaking hands with each other to express their loyalty and passion, and then sitting beside the negotiation table. 郭阳:很高兴能跟贵公司合作,上次考察的时候我们对贵公司非常满意,今天在这里坐下,希望我们能取得双赢的结果 。 We are very happy to cooperate with your Grace Corporation, we are so satisfied with it after visited your workshops, now we also hope that we can make bear a rich fruit on this negotiation. 刘丝丽:当然,我们也希望能跟贵方有着双赢的合作,愿我们合作愉快! Of course,we also hope that we have a happy cooperation! Let’s don’t stand on ceremony,we are very concerned about something wordily in America. Our parties think it’s necessary for us to negotiate with you that we ordered the one hundred thousand towels after we visited your factory. 刘丝丽:好的,没问题,郭总请讲。 Ok ,no problem,Mr.Guo,lease! 郭阳:我公司预订购货号为A6型76*34cm的100%竹浆纤维毛巾,蓝白与粉白各3万条、货号为6946型76*33cm的100%竹浆纤维毛巾,浅绿色与橘黄色各2万条,共是十万条毛巾。产品质量确实不错,但是我想我们有必要再商榷一下价格。 Our company wants to order item for type A6 76 multiplies 34 centimeters 100% bamboo fiber towels, blue and white towels altogether 60000, number 6946 in 763 multiplies 33 centimeters 100% bamboo fiber towels, light green and orange towels altogether 40000, the total number is one hundred thousand towels. But I think we have to talk about the price once again. 刘丝丽:之前贵方不是谈好了45RMB每条的吗?上次贵方来考察之后就定了,为何还要商榷? We have discussed about the price of towels, it is around 45RMB each one, right? After you visited our factory, we are sure that, why do you have to negotiate it? 郭阳:您也知道,我们美国这阵子经济不景气,美元又贬值不少,如果按照上次说的价格,我方要多付不少钱,所以我觉得价格应该在你原来的基础上降低一点。 You know, there are some bad situation on economic in America, furthermore, the dollar depreciated a lot again, if we are in accordance with the last price, we have to pay a lot of money, so I think the price should be in


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