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本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 A Discussion of Puns in English 院 系 外国语言文学系 专 业 名 称 英语 年 级 2010级 学 生 姓 名 学 号 指 导 教 师 二零一四年四月 A Discussion of Puns in English A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the School of Foreign Languages and Literatures Chongqing University of Education School: School of Foreign Languages Literatures Major: English Class: Name: Student No.: Supervisor: Date: April, 2014 重庆第二师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或未发表的研究成果。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 年 月 日 Abstract: Political literature is a reflection of expressing a country’s political standpoint. Its theoretical and practical significance is of great importance as the growth of communication among the world. Therefore, the study of Chinese political literature is becoming a pressing issue for Chinese people. In the political linguistic context, political literature translation serves especially as a bridge to promote mutual understanding, deepen friendship and develop cooperation among different countries and nationalities. Moreover, along with the global economic integration and frequent cultural exchanges, mutual visits between leaders from different countries in the world are increasing in these decades. Political literature translation is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, the cross-cultural communication of political literature has gradually entered into the translation field. This paper focuses on the study of Chinese political literature translation, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory. At first, it briefly introduces the definition, classification and functions of Chinese political literature. By utilizing the methods of comparative analysis and exemplif


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