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e.g. Dear Mrs. Smith, Dear Mr. Wang and Dear Ms. Wu, Dear Misses Ross, Li and Winter, Layout of a Business Letter Salutation (称呼) 5 Layout of a Business Letter e.g. Subject: New Price List Re: New Price List New Price List SUBJECT: NEW PRICE LIST Layout of a Business Letter Subject line (主题行) 6 Layout of a Business Letter The body of the letter contains the message you want to send across to the receiver, is the core of the letter. A good letter will not only get the business done but also promote goodwill. Thus, it should be carefully planned and messages should be stated and arranged logically. Layout of a Business Letter The body of the letter (正文) 7 Layout of a Business Letter Layout of a Business Letter Complimentary close (结束敬语) 8 Layout of a Business Letter Organization Name: if an organization name is used after the complimentary close, the name should be typed entirely in capital two lines below the complimentary close. Author, Title, and department: three blank lines should be left above the typed name of the author. If short, the author’s title or department may appear on the same line as the author’s name. If long, it should be typed immediately below the author’s name. e.g. THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO., S.T. Smith Purchasing Manager Layout of a Business Letter Signature (签名) 9 Layout of a Business Letter The reference notation consists of the initials of the person who indicates the letter and of the secretary or typist. The initials are usually typed two lines below the signature against the left-hand margin. Layout of a Business Letter Reference notation (经办人代号) Layout of a Business Letter 10 An enclosure notation should be added to the business letter, when documents such as sales terms and conditions, catalogues and pricelists, etc. are enclosed. Type the word “Enclosure”, or its abbreviation “Enc.” or “Encl.” It follows two


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