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Heart to Heart! Charades Two form a group. Each group only has 5 chances to PASS. Each group has 4 minutes to go. NO CHINESE IS ALLOWED. 1. Do not mention the exact word. 2. Do not mention the ralated part of speech of the exact word. 3. Do not inform him/her the exact letter of the exact word. 4. Do not mention the words whose pronouncation is similar to the exact word. Lemon (柠檬) Knife (小刀) Yoga (瑜伽) Bush (布什) Giraffe (长颈鹿) Spider Man (蜘蛛侠) Diet (节食) Ballet(芭蕾) iPad Weixin (微信) Mouse (老鼠、鼠标) NBA Mothers Day (母亲节) Kitchen (厨房) Italy (意大利) TOFEL (托福) Eggplant (茄子) USB (U盘) Notebook (笔记本) Chocolate (巧克力) Watermelon (西瓜) Bill Gates (比尔·盖茨) Bath (沐浴) KFC (肯德基) Perfume (香水) Harry Porter (哈里·波特) Dinosaur (恐龙) Soccer (足球) Flag (旗帜) Yale University(耶鲁大学) High-heels (高跟鞋) Tomato (西红柿) High-heels (高跟鞋) Tea (茶) World Cup (世界杯) Badminton (羽毛球) Strawberry (草莓) Bikini (比基尼) Washing machine (洗衣机) Iran (伊朗) Baidu (百度) Novel (小说) Language (语言) Olympic games (奥运会) Dictionary (字典) Baseball (棒球) Calendar (日历) Wolf (狼) Marriage (婚姻) McDonalds (麦当劳) South Africa (南非) Labors Day (劳动节) Cobe Brant (科比·布莱恩特) Olympic Medals! Is it really the more, the better? Facts you should know Every Chinese Olympic gold medal costs 0.7 billion yuan! What an astronomical figure! It costs 520 billion yuan to hold the 2008 Olympic Games. The money that State Sports General Administration spent on the Athens Olympic Games was 20 billion yuan. With the money (0.7 billion yuan), government could build 3500 “Hope School”, if every school holds 100 people, they can prevent 350,000 children from becoming illiterate. Debate No.1 Do you think the Oplmpic Gold Medals are the measuring standard for a great power? Sports for ALL Should school facilities open for all? Conclusion It is not to say that government does not need to train elite athletes, or not to engage in international sports, in contrast, China especially needs to revitalize the undertakings of physical culture and sports, making elite sports g


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