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大学生运动会志愿者 英语口语提要 ——南京林业大学人文学院 颜老师 课前题外话: 会议的主角 临阵磨枪 非英语专业 经验传授 讲究效率 主要内容 经验分享 基本用语 场景对话及说明 交通口常用语 媒体应对 一些口语 提问环节 英语口语的障碍 心态问题: 不知道为何,一提英语就是怕 怕说不好 怕对方听不懂 英语能力问题 发音不准 词汇量不够 障碍处理原则 调整心态 英语不是课程,是个语言 这次是任务,你不得不说 说了总比不说好。 母语者对非母语者的认识 错了是常态,说好了是意外。 先不用怕,把怕留给对方 提高能力, 听说读写 记单词 记原则 若干“板斧” 说不成句子,说单词。 说不成单词,用别的单词描述 描述不出来,用肢体语言。 绝招:“移花接木” 目的只有一个:让对方明白你的意思。 无语的对策 拟声词 Oh,en,ok(让人知道你在听) well,表示无奈或轻微否定, wow(表示惊讶赞同) Aha! 满意, 需要别人重复 pardon, (I beg your pardon). can you repeat what you just said. i wish my English would be better. i am sorry, i dont get you 基本场合篇:见面与寒暄 Welcome to Shenzhen Nice to meet you. Ive heard so much about you. I am a big fan of you I hope you will enjoy your stay here Please make yourself at home 再见和告别 I really should be going. have a nice trip(day) take care,keep in touch nice meeting (talking to)you Send my best wishes to your family hope to see you again(see you later) 询问与介绍 excuse me can i know your name?(what should i call you ?) Id like you to meet my colleague(xxx). What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy your work? 提供和请求帮助 Can i help you(what can i do for you) No, thank you. Im fine Could you do me a favor? may i ask for your favor? Sure, Id be glad to. oh, i am sorry, i am busy with ..... 表态用语 同意: exactly!I couldnt agree more. Absolutely, I agree with you. I feel the same way. You can say that again. Thats a good idea. Fantastic! 否定 i dont think so i think its the other way around. 交通事故 Id like to report a car accident. Ive been involved in a head-on (rear -end)collision. someone fell unconscious.(was injured) Do you remember the plate number of the hit and run car? Could you call an ambulance? 交通口志愿者常用说明 This bus is heading for xxxx. Please make sure that you are in the right bus. The volunteers will help you to find the right one at the bus stop. We just had the security check when passing by the xxx. For security reason, please keep the door closed. Otherwise, we might subject to another security check, which will be tim


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