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常见近义词辨析 1.时代,时期 Period, time(s), epoch, era, age period: It indicates any passage of time, great or small. /an extent of time of any length. (时段,时期) time(s): It refers to a period in history. in ancient times/ in Victorian time (时代) age: It shows a particular /a fairly definite period in history. the Bronze Age, Iron Age, the Ice Age epoch: It indicates a long period of time marked by important events or development of a particular kind. The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind. (纪元) era: It refers to a very long period of time marked by a particular feature in a great new era of world revolution (时期) 2. 错误 Mistake, fault, shortcoming, error, defect, blunder mistake (误会) : A wrong thought, act. It implies carelessness. Anyone can make a mistake. fault (过错 弱点) : A bad point, but not of a serious moral kind. It refers to behavior and character. His only fault is that he lacks ambition. find fault with sb / (be)at fault Shortcoming(缺陷,不足): weakness, failing ; It refers to failures or deficiencies in things as well as people. In spite of all her shortcomings I still think shes one of the best teachers in the school. error (疏忽) : A mistake (formal sometimes literary) It implies deviation from a standard or model The accident was caused by human error. defect (缺点 毛病) : sth lacking or imperfect. It refers to quality. The radio was returned because of a defect. blunder (失误 过失) : A very stupid or unnecessary mistake. It implies ignorance. This is the fatal blunder of his life. 3. 取消,消灭 Cancel, abolish, eliminate, repeal, exterminate cancel (取消 解除) : To give up, to declare something to be ineffective. He has cancelled his leave of absence.(消假) abolish (废除 废止) : To do away with. It refers to practices, social institutions. Bad customs should be abolished. eliminate (消灭 排除) : To get rid of. We should eliminate the false and retain the true. repeal (撤消 废除) : To bring to an end of the effect of a l


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