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美国总统五大就职演说的文化特性理解 上传: 王俊星 更新时间:2013-1-29 21:00:18 有美国学者在CNN博客上列出美国不长的历史上的Top 5 inaugural addresses(五大总统就职演说),四个都不出预料,只是里根的就职演说居然榜上有名。看来,还需要更多学习才能真正理解美国文化,真正把握美国人的真实思想和情感。 理解这五大演说,我们大致可以看到美国文化的一些特性。短述一些个人拙见,且作分享。 当然,是否这五大就是五大,也只是美国这位教授的一家之言,但就从其一家之言,我们依然可以看出美国文化的诸相。 Top 5 inaugural addresses By Stephen Prothero, Special to CNN updated 11:33 AM EST, Sun January 20, 2013 /2013/01/20/politics/top-5-inaug-addresses/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 (CNN) -- Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar and author of The American Bible: How Our Words Unite, Divide, and Define a Nation, is a regular CNN Belief Blog contributor. As President Barack Obama puts the finishing touches on his second inaugural address, one in which aides say Obama will take a hopeful tone, here are Protheros picks for the top five U.S. presidential inaugural addresses: 在当前这个美国可能失去世界第一的起始时刻(美国从经济第一到真正世界第一用了将近100年,苏联、日本都曾经挑战美国的世界第一地位,但均为美国所败,核心是为美国文化所败。苏联缺少真正的苏维埃文化价值取向,日本还没有真正跳出那种狭隘的岛国文化意识。中国成为世界第一经济强国是完全可能的,但是否能成为文化强国,价值强国,则尚需中国人自己的努力),hopeful显然是重点,但What hope? How does the hope become true? 则不是奥巴马这位法学教授所能真正把握的。我认为,美国是一个彻头彻尾的机会主义国家,奥巴马的法学背景(尤其是其宪法学背景)使他无法真正把握机会,反而是布什、里根那种人更深谙美国文化的精髓。 1. Thomas Jeffersons first inaugural (1801) If you think partisan politics are bad today, you should have seen the election of 1800. Desperately trying to hold onto power, Federalists accused Jefferson of all sorts of infidelities to God and country, blasting him as an infidel and intimating that he might be a secret Jew or Muslim. Soon each side was questioning whether America could survive rule by the opposing party. The election ended in a tie between Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr. (At the time, the Electoral College cast its ballots without distinguishing between president and vice president, and the two Republicans each got 73 electoral votes, throwing the decision to the House of Representatives.) It took 36 ballots before the House awarded Jefferson the presidency. Into this maelstrom, Jefferson deliv



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