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take a walk read a newspaper wave goodbye do her homework be late for school play chess 1. wave goodbye (to) 2. be late for school 3. do her homework 4. read a newspaper 5. play chess (with) 6. take a walk 7. on weekday(s) 8. after dinner 9. before dinner 10. return home 快来帮我写意思。 向…挥手再见 上学迟到 看报纸 做她的家庭作业 和…下棋 散步 在平日 晚饭后 晚饭前 回家 主语 + 频率副词 + 动作 + 具体时间 Example: Peter always gets up at 7: 00am. always often sometimes never gets up at 7:00a.m √ goes to school by bus √ does his homework before dinner √ watches TV at 7:00p.m √ is late for school √ goes to bed at 10:00p.m √ I we Dongong my father my parents the dog my family she he an apple 请找出下列人称中哪些是三人称单数。 you they her friend her friends the new school year Tim and Dino Tim’s cat 请写出下列动词的三人称单数形式。 1. do ---- 2. have----- 3. go----- 4. watch----- 5. wash----- 6. play----- 7. return----- 8. study----- 9. wave----- 10. get----- does has goes watches washes plays returns studies waves gets Part C scientist study singing forest find take photo well hurt a few could observe [?b?z?:v] 科学家 学习;研究 唱歌 森林 伤害 照相 好的 一点点 可以;能够 发现 观察 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Part D Part D Answer the questions. What does John do? He is ___________________________________. 2. What does John study? He studies_______________________________. 3. What did he see yesterday? He_____________________________________. 4. What is he going to do? ________________________________________. an old scientist. birds saw a few beautiful birds He is going to observe them and take photos of them Part E Part F 1. Peter often____________ ( go / goes ) to school at 7:00. 2. I often ____________ (go / goes ) to school at 7:00. 3. My mother never ____________ (get / gets ) up late. 4. My mother ____________ ( got / gets ) up late yesterday. 5. Tim and Dongdong al


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