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七年级下册英语教案 总课题 Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town! 总课时 7 第 1 课时 课 题 Comic strip welcome to the unit 课型 新授课 教学目标 Introduce activities in the city. Intriduce how to meet friends. 教学重点 Intriduce how to meet friends. 教学难点 Intriduce how to meet friends. 教学设计 Teaching aids: A computer, notebooks and work sheets. Teaching methods: Listening 、reading、acting Discussing 教 学 过 程 教师活动内容、方式 学 生 活 动 备注(个性化设计) Comic strip Step1:Presentation Teacher:I’m very happy today.My friend will come to Nanjing tomorrow.She’s an old friend of mine.She’s one of my old friends.What can I do for her? Talk.Thank you for giving me so many good odeas.I think a big meal sounds great.But there’s nothing to eat in my home,and I have no time to go shoppong tomorrow.I’m going to take her to a restaurant.Whhich is better,Western food or Chinese food? That’s a good idea.I want to order a pizza. Write:pizza Listen to tape Eddie’s old friend is coming to visit him.What will he do for his friend? Listen and answer:How much money do they have? They have only five yuan. Write:yuan Listen to the teacher Talk Listen to tape Step2:Practise Read and answer more questions; Is there any food in the fridge?(No,there’s nothing in the fridge.) Where does Eddie want to buy food?(He wants to go to the supermarket to buy food.) How many tins of dog food can they buy with five yuan?(They can’t buy any.) What does Eddie want to do with five yuan?(He Read and answer 教师活动内容、方式 学 生 活 动 备注(个性化设计) (1)wants to order a pizza.) (2)Do you think he can order a pizza?Why or why not? 2.Practise reading.Follow the tape.Read together and read in roles. 3.Act out the comic dialogue. Practise reading Act out Welcome to the unit Step1:Presentation When friends come to visit us,we can invire them to have dinner with us.What else can we do?Do you have any good ideas? Show pictures/I’d like to show my friend around our city//town.Do you know these places? Answer Read pictur


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