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Unit 2单元教学目标 Knowledge aims: 1.能听懂会说:What time is it? It’s … It’s time for English class. It’s ..o’clock. It’s time to go to school. 能够使用以上句子描绘各种事件所发生的时间,完成任务。理解句子Hurry up! Breakfast is ready…等句子。 2.能听说认读单词:lunch, dinner, breakfast, English class, music class, PEclass. 3.知道字母组合ur、ir在单词中的发音,并能根据发音规律读单词:nurse, hamburger, girl, bird, … Ability aim: The students can: 1. use the main sentences to talk about the time and the suitable activities with each other: What time is it now? It’s 12o’clock. It’s time for lunch…It’s five o’clock. Let’s go home. 2. finish the task, make a scientific timetable for themselves. 3. speak out the pronunciation of letter combination ur ir and spell out the words. Emotion and culture aims: 合理安排时间,科学健康生活。 了解有关愚人节的知识; 能逐步做到见到符合发音规律的词能拼读,听到符合发音规律的词能拼写。 Unit 2 What time is it? (Period 1) Objectives Pupils?will be able to 1. Talk about the time and the suitable activities in different time: What time is it? It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time for English class. Let’s go!... 2. Say the four-skilled words: breakfast, dinner, lunch, English class, music class, PE class, … 3. Describe the daily life like this: I get up at six o’clock. … 4. Discuss whose daily life is more scientific and healthy. Teaching aids: Cards, tape and cassettes, pictures, etc. Teaching steps Let me know Step1 Review (including warm up and lead in) 1. Greet the students. Talk with the students: Hello, Good morning! Look at our classroom. How many classrooms are there? How many teacher’s offices are there? How many …? Sing: Ten little Indian boys. 2. Revise the numbers. Say and spell the numbers. (Choose some difficult numbers.) Step 2 Overview Task assignment: A special clock. I have a riddle. Listen and guess: I have a friend. It has a round face. It has two legs. One leg is long. One leg is short. What is it? Its a ______. T: Show a clock. Look! This is my friend. It’s a clock. It’s a special clock. It has not only the time, but also the activities on


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