Integrated skills_373258.ppt

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Date What did you study? How to improve? Can I do it? comments Make your own learning record. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Chinese English History Geography member school show volleyball Answers: Fill in the blanks of A3. Monday Wednesday friendly Translation 1.他数学好但很粗心。 He is ____________Maths but he is _________ 2.Simon 很聪明,但有时没有尽力。 Simon is _______________, but he __________________ sometimes. good at careless very clever doesn’t do his best 3.如果他努力的话,他能取得更好的成绩。 If he _________________, he can _____________________. 4.Suzy擅长组织班级活动。 Suzy is ____________________ ________________. does his best get better results good at organizing class activities * Integrated skills Discussion What subjects do you have at school? Which is your favourite subject? Who’s good at Chinese? Why do you think so? Do you take exams every term? Are you afraid of exams? Listen and help Mr. Wu match the subjects with the information. C E A B D Listen again and answer. Yes, she is. She needs to be more careful. It’s good this term. 1. Is Suzy good at Chinese? 2. What does she need to do in Maths? 3. How is her work in English? 4. Which is her favourite subject? 5. What problem does she have in Geography? History. She doesn’t do her best this term. Listen and do some “True” or “False” questions. 1. Suzy is good at writing. ( ) 2. Suzy is careful at Maths. ( ) 3. She needn’t read and use English more often. ( ) F T F 5. She works hard at history. ( ) 6. She knows a lot about French history. ( ) 7. Suzy always does her best to learn Geography. ( ) T F T Listen and complete. Suzy Study: good at ________, Maths, _______ and _______ not so good at _________ Music: ________ of the Music Club play the piano at school ________ Sports: practises ________ every Monday and ________ Others: nice


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