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Did you fall off your bike? 外研版(三起点)四年级下册 一、教材分析 二、教法学法 三、 教学流程 ①热身 ③新授 ②导入 ④练习 ⑤作业 Part One Analysis of Teaching Material I. Status and Function 地位及作用 II. The teaching aims 教学目标 1.知识目标 2.能力目标 理解并会说本节课的单词及句型,并能够尝试使用过去式来描述过去发生的事情。 3.情感目标 培养积极的情感态度,生活中要学会互帮互助。 理解掌握重点单词及短语:happen, water, bought, thirsty, carried, watermelon, bump, fell off. 听懂并会说目标语句: What happened ...? Did you fall off your bike? III. The important and difficult points 教学重、难点 1. 掌握本课的动词过去式的不规则变化及灵活运用本节课的单词及目标语句。 2. 能够运用过去式来询问和描述过去的动作和行为。 Part Two Teaching&Learning Methods Communicative method 交际法 Cooperative Learning 合作学习法 Students cooperate with others by working in groups. Step1. Warm up (热身) Step2. Lead in (导入) Step3. New text (新授) Step4. Practice (练习) Step5. Homework (作业) Part Three Teaching Steps Step1. Warm up. (热身) 通过chant 来热身,并设计问题What happened to Jack? 在此学习单词happened 和fell down, 并为下面文本学 习做铺垫。 Step2. Lead in. (导入) What happened to Damings head? Daming的头受伤了,那他怎么受伤的呢?What happened to Damings head?为下面故事教学 设疑,为下文寻找答案 做好铺垫。 Step3. New text. (新授) Listen and answer What did Daming and Sam do yesterday? A. went to school went for a bike ride B. And then...? And then we were _____ and______. Step3. New text. (新授) Watch and answer New words: water watermelon bought Practice: We bought... Step3. New text. (新授) Look and say Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. Sam fell off his bike. Learn and practice: We carried ... fell off Step3. New text. (新授) What happened to Damings head ? He bumped his head. Sam took Daming and the watermelon to the hospital. Watch and answer 根据故事情节的发展来设计教学步骤,层层推进,不断推动学生自己主动去寻找答案。 Step3. New text. (新授) 通过跟读、模仿培养学生的听、说技能,通过表演锻炼学生的表达技能。


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