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Module 5 The Great Sports PersonalityThe fourth period Writing Zhang Rong Learning goals1.To learn how to write a notice .2.To improve their writing ability.3.To expand sports knowledge and increase the importance of cooperative ,doing exercises and keeping healthy. 疲劳的_________使我们健康____________参加____________情绪低落_____________为……努力__________为……拼搏________太多的锻炼____________喜欢_________向……里增加___________exhaustedmake us fit/healthytake part in/participate inbe in low spiritsstruggle forfight fortoo much exercisebe fond ofadd. . . to. . .revision 目前,运动成为了人们关注的热点社会话题之一,请以“体育运动”为话题写一篇150个词左右的作文。要点包括:体育运动的好处;体育运动可能带来的副作用;个人参加体育运动的体会。 Sports benefit us in many ways. First,sports can make us fit and strong physically. When taking part in sports,we get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. Second, when we feel we’re in low spirits, taking part in sports can help us forget our anxieties andworries. Eventually,sports can teach us some lessons about life. Through participation,we can learn thaton the playground we not only struggle for ourselves but also fight for our team. But sports can also bring us lots of trouble. It’s especially true when we cannot plan our activities properly. Too much exercise may make us exhausted. Too hard training may hurt us or even make us sick. I’m fond of sports because I not only gain a well-balanced life through going in for sports,but also get more chances to make more friends. Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I participate in them in a proper way. 探究案 为了提高学生的身体素质,学校要举行“远足”活动。假设你是班长,请你根据以下信息,用英语写一份通知,告知全班同学。时间安排本周六上午:7:00集合;7:30出发;中途休息20分钟,(约)10:30返回;行程学校操场集合→直奔滨河大道→沿道南下→滨河广场→(原路返回)学校;注意事项1)准备:穿校服、运动鞋;自带饮水等;2)全体列队行进;3)保持沿路卫生,不要乱丢弃废物;4)遇到困难相互帮助,相互鼓励。Step1:审题定调分析探究体裁:应用文(通知)时态:一般将来时人称:第一人称为主内容:告诉全班同学关于周末远 足活动的组织目的、时间 安排、行程和注意事项等。Step2:谋篇布局怎样写?一是以短文的形式书写。开头: Attention, please! I have something important to tell you.正文:通知内容。结尾:That’s all. Thank you! 二是以表格的形式书写。Activity Time to meetPlace to meetStart atRoute Back at N


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