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3. Nearly all of them lived in England. nearly和almost 用法明辨: (1)两者通用的场合 a. 在肯定句中 b. 修饰all, every, always 等时 c. 在行为动词的否定式前时 e.g. He is almost/ nearly 80 years old. Some people say that Chinese is a much more elegant language, so it is more important for us to master it and it is not so necessary to master foreign language. Do you agree with this opinion and why? Discussion 1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world? 你知道世界上不止有一种英语吗? more than one +名词单数, 后面的谓 语动词用单数。 More than one student wants to go to swim. Explanation more than 还可以与名词、形容词、副 词、动词、动名词连用,意为 “不只 是,非常”。 Both of them are much more than schoolmates. They are close friends. 他们俩远不只是同学, 他们是知心朋友。 more than 的反义短语是less than, 意为 “少于” We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got ___ 60. A. more than B. more of C. as much as D. so many as 高考链接 2. In some important ways they are very different form one another. 在某些重要方面, 它们彼此有些差异。 in…way (s)/by…means 在……方面 We should solve this problem in a different way. =We should solve this problem by a different way. 都表示“相互,彼此”,在句中作动词 或介词的宾语,但不能作主语。 表示两个人或事物之间的相互关系用 each other, 表示三个或三个以上的人 或事物之间的相互关系时, 用each other或one another都可以。 (2) one another/each other区别 Tom and Mary looked at each other. We send card to one another/each other every year. 我们每年都相互寄卡片。 (2)只用almost 的场合 a. 和any, no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never 等连用时。 b. 和too, more than等连用时。 c. 和表示感觉或心理活动的静态 动词连用时。 e.g. There is almost none left. (3)只用nearly的场合 a. 被 very, not, pretty等修饰时。 b. 和具体数字连用时(nearly常用)。如: Nearly 100 students attended the meeting. 4. voyage 在此为可数名词, 意为“旅行, 航行”。如: ① The Titanic went under on its first voyage. ② They supplied this ship with enough food and necessities for a long voyage. ③ I don’t want to make the voyage without help. [拓展] voyage还可用作动词, 意为“(乘船) 航行, 航海”。如: They planned to voyage across the Pacific Ocean. 注意区别名词travel, j


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