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案例名称 Unit4 Lesson4 Virtual Tourism 科目 English 教学对象 高一 提供者 王芳婷 课时 1课时 一、教材内容分析 The lesson is the fourth lesson of Unit4. It talks about the virtual tourism, taking the city Auckland from New Zealand as an example. It talks about some details about Auckland, including history, location and sights of the city. It teaches students reading strategies—match topics with paragraphs, at the same time it revise the strategies-- scanning and skinning. 二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度、价值观) 1. Knowledge aims: students gain some information about Virtual Tourism, New Zealand and Auckland, including history, location, and sights of the city. 2. Ability aims: a. Students can use the reading strategies to match topics with each paragraph. b. Students can introduce a city or a country using the words or phrases learned in the article 3. Emotional aims: Students can know about more of the world culture and learn to be a global citizen. 三、学习者特征分析 1.学生已经学习了与国家历史,位置,人口等相关的单词和句型; 2.学生对It has a population of … and is located on …, The history of the city goes back 650 years.等句型比较熟悉; 5、学生思维活跃,善于和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望达到同学和教师的赞许; 6、学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,但是英语的听读能力还有待于加强; 7、学生对于ppt talking和picture talking的呈现形式感到很好奇。 四、教学策略选择与设计 任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体辅助教学法 五、教学环境及资源准备 Multi-media, Blackboard, cassette 六、教学过程 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备 Step1 warm up Show the maps and some photos about Auckland and New Zealand. Chat with students about a few things about Auckland 2. Enjoy a video about Auckland Class work Individual work 在这篇reading中,作者介绍新西兰,奥克兰的历史 地理位置及旅游景点。所以在课前,我在屏幕上给学生呈现了一幅新西兰和奥克兰的地图,让学生有一个初步的印象。关于新西兰,奥克兰的历史 地理位置及旅游景点,学生仅仅是听说而已,了解并不甚多。但是,借助多媒体,我让学生观看了几分钟Maori土著及居住 文章中所涉及的内容,学生的学习兴趣一下子被激发出来。接下来,就很自然地进入我们的主题。另外,为了让学生更充分更深入地理解文章,我们可以运用多种媒体和信息资源。比如,在学生回答Population, Location等时,我利用媒体资源,向学生呈现了相关的这样学生就有一个直观的印象tudents to read the Reading Strategies(p15) quickly and check their understanding Task3 Students read the text and finish Exercise4 using the reading strategies. Task4 Read the text again and mark the statements


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