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Thank you * Unit12 Where did you go? (湘少版)五年级下册 am, is was 是 go went 去 see saw 看见 是 were are 写出动词的过去式 用已学句型“I went to .... 描述上述图片。 go went 去 I went to the restaurant. 用已学句型I went to ....描述上述图片。 I went to the post office. 用已学句型I went to ....描述上述图片。 I went to the park. 用已学句型I went to ....描述上述图片。 I went to the zoo. 用已学句型I went to ....描述图片。 I went to the Zhongxia park. Guess,where did I go? I went to... I had a trip(旅行) last weekend.Look,what did I do on the bus? listen to music listened to music听音乐 Where did I go? forest went to the forest go to the forest 去森林 我去了哪里? Where did you go? 你去了哪里? take pictures 照相 took pictures 拍(照) museum 博物馆 go to the museum去 博物馆 make notes做笔记 made notes ask questions问问题 asked questions 问问题 go went 去 take took 拍照 make made 制作 做 did do 写出动词的过去式 ask asked 问 go to the forest take pictures go to the museum make notes ask questions listen to music make note go to the forest go to the museum listen to music take pictures ask questions Ask and answer 一问一答 用“Where did you go?”(你去了哪里?)提问,然后回答: forest museum forest. museum. zoo. zoo I went to the did 是do的过去式,是一个助动词,用在疑问句里面表示对过去的的动作进行提问。do(does,did)在疑问句中以哪种形式出现,那么它“帮助”的那个动词在答句中就以相应的形式出现。 do还有“做”的意思,所有表示动作的单词都可以归纳为“做” did 是do的过去式,是一个助动词,用在疑问句里面表示对过去的的动作进行提问。do(does,did)在疑问句中以哪种形式出现,那么它“帮助”的那个动词在答句中就以相应的形式出现。 用“What did you do?”(你做了什么?)提问,然后回答: made notes took pictures made notes. took pictures. asked questions. listened to music I asked questions listened to music. Where did you go? I went to the A.What did you do? B.I ( )1. --What do you like? --I ____ ice ceam. A.likes B.like C.liked ( )2.--Where did you go?--I ____ the library. A. go B. went C going ( )3.--What does she like?--She____ bananas. A. likes B. like C liked ( )4.The Great Wall is in ____ . A. the UK B. France C .China B B 二,我能完成句子 c A 情景交际 ( )1、你想知道对方去了哪里,你可以


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