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a I like watching them swim around. c it’s very small and soft and I can hold it in my hand. Sandy: I like my mouse best because ___ Peter: I like goldfish because ___ b she loves to sleep on my knees. e I can play with him in the park. Millie: I love my dog because __ Amy: I like my cat because ____ A: Which pet do you like best? B: I like…best. A: Why ? B: Because… Team racing Activity Which pet would you like to have? Why? Work in groups and discuss the topic. Then report your answers to the whole class. Let’s see who is the best! (8′) Which pet would you like to have ?Why? Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。 Go to the sea, if you would fish well. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌. Every dog has his day. Teach the dog how to bark. A lazy dog. A lucky dog. Rain cats and dogs . 凡人皆有得意日 多此一举 懒汉 一个幸运儿 倾盆大雨 Finish the exercises in Learning English. Preview the two poems My dog My goldfish on page 94. Thank you ! Unit 8 Pets 来宾市实验学校 莫蓝艳 We all love our pets 2. Do you like animals? 3. Do you have a pet ? 4. What animals do you want to keep as a pet? Free talk /pet/ 1.What animals can you see ? To learn about five different pets (cat, dog, goldfish, mouse, parrot rabbit) and their typical features To learn the new words and useful expressions duck monkey elephant ant snake frog lion tiger What animals do you know? A guessing game He is friendly to people. He can help people keep doors. If you make him angry, he may bite(咬) you. dog What is it? She likes playing with a ball. She can sleep everywhere. She likes fish best. She can make a sound like “miaow”. What is it? cat What is it? Its color is often white or grey. It likes eating vegetables. It has long ears. It has red eyes. rabbit What is it? It lives in the water. It sleeps with eyes open. fish What is it? It is very small and soft. We can hold( 拿)it in our hands. It often goes out at night. It is afraid of cats. mo


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