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Just now, we saw many body languages in different countries. People use different body languages to express the same meaning. We should respect them. Now, let’s enjoy watching the video and try to answer the question: How many countries are mentioned in the passage. What are they? Then please open your books, let’s read the passage together, then tell me the what do the people do when they meet visitors? People in different countries many use different body languages to express the same meaning. But sometimes we say and use different body languages when meet different people. Please talke with your partner eye finger foot knee leg mouth [b?d?] [fi?ɡ?] [ni:] shoulder --What are they doing? --They are touching their noses! They touch noses when they meet . [t?t?] What kind of body language do you know? many kinds of of body language kiss shake hands hug bow nod stop cry smile [k?s] [?e?k] [h?g] [sma?l] [bau] Do you know the meaning of the following gestures (手势)? Stop! Come here. You are very good. / Well done! It’s ok. Bye-bye. Please stop! Nice to meet you! I’m sorry! Say hello! The last The best success 1 Match the pictures with the words and expression from the box. bow kiss shake hands smile 2 Listen and match the pictures with the nationality. British French German Japanese Russian 1 3 2 China [t?] America Russia Japan New Zealand India Germany France[fr] … British[br] Different countries have different body languages [r???] [zil?nd] [indi?] [d??:m?ni] Countries People and languages China Chinese Japan Japanese Britain British America American France French Australia Australian Canada Canadian Russia Russian Germany German India Indian How many countries are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Five,They are Russia, China , the US, India , New Zealand In ________, people kiss each other three times When they meet ________. In China, peopleoften shake hands and________ American people shake hands and someti


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