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* Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves. together grandparent meat cross its lose happily wood a piece of What do you usually do with your family? I usually do things watch a movie go shopping take\have a walk look at the flowers go to the beach play football go to the libary go to the resturant fo lunch go to the meat shop walk home cross the river with my family. What can you do? I can do things watch a movie go shopping take\have a walk look at the flowers go to the beach play football go to the libary go to the resturant fo lunch go to the meat shop walk home cross the river Sara 2011 Sara 2015 fat unhealthy a bit sad strong healthy happy eat healthy food 吃健康的食物 fish chicken fruit vegetables rice pair apple orange grape banana to be healthy to be clean keep our body clean 保持身体干净 wash our hands wash our face wash our body to be strong do exercise every day 每天做运动 jog 慢跑 take long walks 长距离散步 We should keep our body clean. We should eat healthy food. We should do exercise every day. We 你能找到自己的位置吗? should learn to take care of ourselves We 你能找到自己的位置吗? should learn to take care of ourselves 我们应该学会照顾好我们自己。 We should learn to take care of ourselves. Then we can be strong and healthy. We should wash our hands before eating. We should wash our face and body every day. We should keep our body clean. We should eat healthy food. We should eat vegetables, fish and fruit. We want to be healthy. We should do exercise every day. Its good for us. We can run, jog, swim and take long walks. We want to be strong. We can sing, dance and draw. We are happy. We should... We can\want to be... keep our body clean wash our hands, face and body clean eat healthy food eat vegetables, fish, fruit healthy do exercise every day run, jog, swim, walk strong sing, dance and draw happy We should keep our body clean. We should wash our hands before eating. We sh


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