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备人: 李金淑 参与人员:审核人: 李金淑 课 题Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. P1教学内容Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. P1教学目标Learn the words phraseBe able to master the knowledge of the Mid –Autumn Festival.?重 点掌握本单元四会单词难 点Be able to master the knowledge of the Mid –Autumn Festival.?教学准备小黑板、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等教 学 流 程个性化设计导入新课Step One: Warming up1. Greeting..2. Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it?主题探究Step Two: Presentation1. Learn to say: egg yolkT takes out an egg and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.2. Learn to say: mooncakeT takes out a moon cake and help Ss understand the meaning. Read theword after T.Learn to say other words in the same way. 3.Drill.⑴T shows the pictures and Ss say the words.⑵T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words.⑶A guessing game.合作交流Step Three: Practice1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards.2. Listen act.学以致用Step Four:Consolidation4.Open the books at Page17, listen to the tape and read after it.总结提升Step Five: Homework1、背诵Part?A。2、评价。3、练习。板书设计:Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. P1教学反思:主备人: 李金淑 参与人员:审核人: 李金淑 课 题Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. P2教学内容Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. P2教学目标1、复习并熟练运用新单词和短语email?my?friends?,?send?greetings?,?in?the?world?,?search?for?a?lot?of?thing,find?out?about?countries?2、灵活运用情态动词can教学?重 点掌握本单元四会单词难 点can/could的用法教学准备小黑板、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等教 学 流 程个性化设计导入新课Step One: Warming up1.Exchange greetings.2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together.主题探究Step Two: PresentationLead-in. T shows the picture of Part A. T says, ”Long, long ago, there was a girl called Chang’e. Do you know her story? Do you know the Mid-Autumn Festival?” T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.2. Ss talk about the picture. 3. Drill. ⑴T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them.⑵T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story.⑶A guessing game.Open the books at Pag18, li


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