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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Life In the Future alternative-alternatively-alternate alternative ways alternative sources of energy there is no alternative but to do sth. have no alternative but to do sth. as an alternative 1.Their main job is to find an alternative source of energy. 他们的主要任务是找到一种替代能源。 2.昨天下了一天雨,我除了呆在家中别无选择。 It rained all day yesterday, so I had no alternative but to stay at home. 3. 我们别无他法,只得解雇汤姆。 We had no alternative but to fire Tom. 4. If you don’t like the school lunch, you have the___ of bringing your own. A. selection B. choice C. alternative D. election C run out give out run out of use up run into run across run after run for run over in the long/short run  1. 他的钱要用完了。 His money is running out. He is running out of his money. 2. 我们的食物已经吃完了。 We have used up our food. Our food has been used up. Our food has given out. Our food has run out. We have run out of our food. 1. —Have we ________ our food? —Yes, ______.We’d better buy some. A. run out of;we have run it out B. run out of;our food has run out C. run out of;our food has been run out D. run out;our food has run out 2. —Will you lend me some paper? —Sorry, mine_____ . A. is running out of B. has been run out C. has run out D. has run out of B C rely on sb. / sth. for… rely on sb. to do rely on sb. doing sth rely on it that… 1. 我相信他的话。 I rely on his words. 2. 什么事都不要相信他—他是一个空谈家。 Don’t rely on him to do anything—He is only a talker. 3. 不要指望他来帮助我们。 Don’t rely on it that he will help us. 4. Children should not be encouraged to___ the electronic dictionaries as it will make them lazier. A. insist on B. rely on C. keep on D. work on 5. We’re not sure if we’ll go camping next week. It ____ the weather. A.relies on B.gets on C.carries on D.turns on B A get rid of get across get in get through get over get together get away from


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