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Stand up and say Lets have a toy show! It’s my toy. The toy is mine. It’s your toy. The toy is yours. Lets talk in pairs! It’s my toy. The toy is mine. It’s your toy. The toy is yours. It’s her toy. The toy is hers. It’s his toy. The toy is his. let’s Chant It’s my toy. It’s mine,mine. It’s your toy. It’s yours, yours. It’s her toy. It’s hers, hers. It’s his toy. It’s his, his. It’s our picture. Its ours,ours. It’s their picture.Its theirs,theirs. Whose song is it? TF-boys Its ______ song. The song is _______. their theirs Whose toy bear? Its _______ bear. Mr Bean The bear is _____. Mr Beans his Whose bird is it? Its _________ bird. Its ______. hers HongTailiangs Whose party is it? theirs Its _________ party. Its ______. Yangyangs Yangyang Its ,its not ! ours theirs China Diaoyu Island(钓鱼岛) Japan Diaoyu Island have been Chinas territory (领土)since ancient times(古代).Its ours. Its time for our toy show! Lets go! (玩具展开始了,和你的同桌一起去参观吧!) A:I like the toy! Whose is it? B:It’s Wu Yifan’s bear. A:Oh,it’s his bear. B: Yes, the dog is his. There are so many toys in our toy show! Whats your favourite toy? (请写下你最喜欢的玩具) I like _________________best. It’s _____________. The toy is____________. Wu Yifans toy his toy his Summary 形容词性物主代词变名词性物主代词 记忆窍门 一变 my ---mine 一留:his ---his 四加S:your-yours her-hers our-ours their-theirs 用法:形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词 Homework 1.按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2.在四线三格中正确抄写 mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours 五遍。 3.优化练习P49-5。 close Look, say and complete Who Write two sentences Amy It’s her book. The book is hers. John John and Amy (your name) (you and your partner) It’s his book. The book is his. It’s my book. The book is mine. It’s their book. The book is theirs. It’s our book. The book is ours. 同桌合作,根据图片提示 做替换练习,重新编对话。 It’s my toy. It’s mine. (The toy is mine.)


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