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Cheng is talking about his activities with a reporter . Q1: What activities does he do ? Q2: How often does he do them? * Unit1 How often do you exercise? Section A (1a-2c) Listen to the recording and read the word. What do they usually do on weekends? They usually exercise. What does she often do on weekends? She often goes to the movies. What does he usually do on weekends? He always goes skateboarding. --No, he doesn’t. He hardly ever (= almost never) goes to concerts. --Does he often go to concerts? Sydney Concert Hall 40% 20% sometimes hardly ever never 0% always 100% usually 80% often 60% watch TV surf the Internet Crazy Speaking always sometimes According to the pictutes and make a sentence. go to the movies go shopping hardly ever never Crazy Speaking go skateboarding exercise often usually Crazy Speaking Listen and write the letters on the lines below. 1b always (100%) ____ usually (80%) ____ often (60%)____ sometimes (40%)____ hardly ever (20%) ____ never (0%) ____ a c e d d a always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever和never比较 (1) always 表动作重复,状态继续,无间断,“总是”,“永远地” eg:The sun always rises in the east and sets in west. 太阳总是东升西落. (2) usually “通常”,“平常”,即很少有例外. eg :He usually goes to bed at ten o’clock. 他通常10点钟睡觉. (3) often “常常”,但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,有间断. eg :He is often later for school. 他上学经常迟到. (4) sometimes “有时”,表示动作偶尔发生,可位于句首,以示强调. eg :It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气忽冷忽热. Sometimes he does it this way and sometimes he does it that way. 他有时这样做,有时那样做. (5) hardly ever “几乎不”、“偶尔”. eg :I hardly ever go out these days. 这些天我几乎不出门. (6) never “从来不”、“永不”。 eg :My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到 A: What do you do in your free time? B: I often play basketball. But I never play computer games. How about you? A: Well, I…. And you? C: …. every day, always, usually, often, sometimes hardly ever never Work in group of three.


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