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Unit 4 必考题型 一、单项选择 1. It’s wonderful for us ___________everywhere on holidays. A. travelled B. to travelling C. travelling D. to travel. 2. In autumn, leaves start to ________ yellow and fall from the trees. A. change B. turn C. became D. grow 3. In spring, the weather starts to _______warm. A. get B. grow C. turn D. go 4. The boy spends too much time ________TV. A. watch B. to watching C. watching D. to watch. 5. The old man spends a lot of time _____his dog. A. to B. with C. for D. on 6. It’s very nice______ Mary to help me with my Maths. A in B. to C. of D. for 7.He is ________to carry the heavy box. A. strongly enough B. enough strong C. strong enough D. enough strongly 8. My father is busy today. He has ______ to do. A. anything important B. something important C. important anything D. important something. 9. We are all _______ in this ___________ story. A. interesting, interesting B, interested , interested C. interesting, interested C. interested ,interesting 10.IP6 looks _______and sells ____. A. well , well B. good , nice C. nice , good D. nice, well 11.________nice to travel to the beach in summer holiday. A. It’s B. Its C. This is D.T hat’s 12.When did your sister start_______ the piano ? A. playing B. play C. plays D. played. 13.I want to stay with my friends _________the summer holiday. A. between B. with C. on D. during. 14.In winter in the north of China, everything ____ white in the garden. A. are B. be C. is D. to be. 二、完成句子 1.我打算这个寒假去国外旅行 I plan to ___________ _____________ ______________in foreign countries this winter holiday. 2.这个周末我们要去野餐 We’ll __________ ______________ ____________ _____________this weekend. 3.看,许多孩子气在堆雪人。Look , many children _________ ________________ __________. 4.我和我父母去年去了上海旅游了。 My parents and I _____________ ____________ ____________


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