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By Yang Shuhua 了解并掌握一些描述弱势群体的词汇。 谈论如何帮助弱势群体。 3. 树立同情弱者,乐于助人的意识。 disabled adj. 残疾的 It is difficult for disabled people to go upstairs. a disabled person (a part of a person’s body does not work properly) blind 盲的 We can help blind people cross the road. (a person can’t see) deaf 聋的 Deaf people can talk with hand language. a person who can’t hear elderly 年老的 We should take good care of the elderly(老人). homeless 无家可归的 Homeless people have nowhere to live. a person who has no home Treasure hunt 寻宝 disabled 2分 elderly blind deaf 3分 1分 1分 游戏规则 先请几名学生读单词, 然后点击挖宝图片, 读对的学生即可得到相应的奖励。 目的是吸引学生读单词。 homeless 5分 Match the words with the meanings. a blind person a person who is very old a homeless person a person who has little money a poor person a person who can’t see a deaf person a person who can’t hear a disabled person a person who has no home an elderly person a part of a person’s body does not work properly Amy and Daniel are talking about people who need help. Read the conversation and answer the question: How can we help homeless people? Give them food and clothes. Write to the local government. Task 2: Study Part B the elderly people in poor areas children without parents blind and deaf people homeless people disabled people A: What are ... people? B: .... A: How can we help ... people? B: We can .... A: Are there any other ways to help them? B: Yes. We can .../ I dont know. 10 20 30 40 the elder the people in poor areas children without parents disabled people 4 2 3 2 5 游戏规则 他爷爷的耳朵已经聋了三年了。 His grandfather ___ ____ ____ for 3 years has been deaf 谁帮助那位盲人穿过马路的? Who helped the ___ _____ ____ the road? blind person cross provide sth for sb =provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物 It `s meaningful for us to help blind people/the blind


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