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What about the students in China and other countries? Great! ??? In China, most students go to school by bike or by bus. Some live near their schools. They often go on foot every day. What about the students in other countries? Do they go to school by bike? In the USA, many students go to school by car or school bus. In Finland(芬兰共和国) and Iceland (冰岛共和国), it snows a lot. The students in villages far from the school have to go by sled. If it snows heavily, the students can study at home. In Venice(威尼斯), the students go to school by boat. What fun it is! Task 6: Read and answer.(任务6:阅读短文,并回答问题。) Questions: 1. How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? (用直线划关键词) Do many students in the USA go to school by subway? (用波浪线划关键句) 3. How do some students go to school in Venice? (用波浪线划关键句) What are your suggestions(建议) for them? (“You must…. Don’t ….”) 1. Read by yourselves. (先自己认真读一读短文。)) 2.Answer the questions in pairs. (然后同桌一起回答问题。) How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? (用直线划关键词) Seven. Do many students in the USA go to school by subway? (用波浪线划关键句) No, they don’t. 3. How do some students go to school in Venice? (用波浪线划关键句) They go to school by boat. What are your suggestions(建议) for them? (“You must…. Don’t ….”) I have a movie for you. Look! Soooo… terrible!!Let’s give some suggestions for our friends. You must take a zebra crossing./ By car You must wear a life belt./ Don’t drive too fast./ Means You must Don’t On foot You must take the zebra crossing. Don’t go at a red light. By motorbike You must wear a helmet. Don’t drive too fast. Pay attention! If you go to school ,you must , don’t . Group work(4人小组) 1.每人选择一种交通方式,组 内不重复。 2.在便签纸上写出该种交通方 式以及相应的建议并粘到海 报上。 3.组内相互帮助。 4.完成后小组内读一读。 If you go to school ,you must , don’t . Task


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