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* 注意咯! 本节课采用小组竞赛机制,共三个大组,上课表现佳者可为小组争得贴画一张。 要求:回答问题,身体直立,声音响亮; 朗读课文,读音正确,能较好的模仿语音语调; Part A, Let’s talk Step1, Warm-up Game1: I’m the master(我是主管) 利用学生准备好的食物清单,进行提问:Can I have some…? 学生根据清单上的食物进行回答:Yes, you can. 或者 Sorry, I don’t have./ No, you can’t. 句型:Can I …? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.呈现。 Game2: Guess (猜猜它是谁?) It’s an animal. It’s black and white. It’s fat. It’s cute. It eats bamboo(竹子). It’s an animal. It’s white. It can jump and run. It likes carrots(胡萝卜) and vegetables. 句型:It’s+形容词的呈现。 It has long ears. Step 2, Presentation 1,Look at the picture and answer How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? What are they talking(谈论) about? Two. Mike and his mother. Weather and food. 2,Read the dialogue and find out the new words outside can’t Be careful! inside = can not 不能 beautiful 小心 ★ Attention !(注意咯) cold hot cool warm 3,Watch the cartoon and answer What does Mike ask about? Can he go outside? Why? Can I go outside now? No, he can’t. It’s too cold outside. 形容词:太,非常,也… have: 吃,喝,有,上……课 4, Read the dialogue Listen and repeat Read after Miss Yin T------Ss Role-play (read with your partner) 5, Show time Step3, Exercises ★读下列句子,给出中文释义。 Have some lunch. Can I have some soup? Can I go outside? Be careful! It’s very hot. 请吃午餐。 我能喝点汤吗? 我能出去(玩)吗? 小心!它很烫。 ★选词填空。 1. Can I have ( ) some apples? A. go B. have 2. ( ) careful! A. You B. Be 3. It’s ( ) hot. A. too B. to 4. No, you ( ) A. can’t B. can B B A A *


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