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Time flies.光阴似箭。 Time Proverb 时间谚语 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 Time waits for nobody. 时不待人。 Surfing the net to know more about the time difference between China and following countries. /app/enter?appid=109331 根据网址查找中国与以下国家的时差。 China Japan (日本) New Zealand (新西兰) Canada (加拿大) 6:00p.m. It’s p.m. It’s time to . It’s a.m. It’s time to . It’s p.m. It’s time to . go to bed get up have dinner 10:00 7:00 6:00 Warm up:(Say out the time and actives) Time machine(时光机) Past(过去) 27 Thursday Past(过去) 2014 November 11月 Xiao Jun What is Xiao Jun doing? He is studying. practicing calligraphy 书法 When it is 2:30p.m. in China, what are the children doing in other countries ? 中国 2:30时,其他国家的孩子正在干什么? the U.K the U.S.A India Australia Let’s go to these four counties to have a look 让我们一起去到这四个国家去看看 自学一:P36-37四幅图(自学,讨论,互帮) 方法提示: 1、看图,自己读句子。 2、联系图片自己理解句子意思。 3、完成表格。 要求:1. 互帮理解句子。 2. 讨论合作完成表格。 3. 完成后组长组织叙述。 4.选一名同学汇报答案。 根据图片和句子,完成表格 Activities 2:30p.m. studying 释疑:1.汇报表格 2. 跟读句子 Activities 2:30p.m. studying 1:30a.m. 6:30a.m. 4:30p.m. 12:00p.m. sleeping getting up playing soccer eating A B A B 自学二:推算出中国与澳大利亚,印度,英国,美国的时差 方法提示: 1、将时间换算成24小时制,2:30p.m.= 14:30 .再根据澳大利亚的时间,4:30p.m.=16:30.即得出了澳大利亚时间与中国北京时间相差2小时。 2.用同样的方法,独立推算印度,英国,美国与中国北京的时差。 要求:1. 讨论推算。 2.选一名同学汇报答案。 2:30p.m.=14:30 12:00p.m. A.1h B.3h C.2.5h How many (多少)hours (小时)are there between China and India? 6:30a.m. A.8h B.9h C.10h How many (多少)hours (小时)are there between China and the UK? 2:30p.m.=14:30 1:30a.m. A.12h B.13h C.14h How many (多少)hours (小时)are there between China and the USA? 2:30p.m.=14:30 2:30p.m. =14:30 12:00p.m. A.1h B.3h C.2.5h How many (多少)hours (小时)are there between China and India? The time of India is 2.5hours later than t


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