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温馨提示 why和because 1.why表示“为什么”,用来询问原因,一般要用because…来回答。 Why don’t you go to school? Because it’s Sunday. 2.because表示“因为”,用来回答why的问句。 Why are you late? Because I get up late. Review 询问原因及回答。 Because she’s going to go fishing. a dress wearing Why is she ? a coat wearing Why is she ? Because she’s going to go skiing. What’s the matter? Because I am happy. Why are you laughing? cry---sad Why are you crying? Because I am sad. shout---angry Why are you shouting? Because I am angry. eat---hungry Why are you eating? Because I am hungry. coat T-shirt dress cap sweater raincoat shoes football baseball table tennis basketball snow rain windy sunny cold hot warm It’s going to … It’s going to be… Harbin Beijing Shanghai Xi’an The Weather Tomorrow Guangzhou Haikou Lhasa New word raincoat [re?n k??t]? Watch the CD ,then answer. What are Sam and Amy doing? They are playing hide-and-seek. Module 8 Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? Watch CD and listen for “because”. Read after the CD together. Retell the text: A: Why are you wearing a raincoat? B: Because it’s going to rain. A: Why are you wearing a ? B: Because it’s going to . hat be hot A: Why are you wearing a ? B: Because going to . T-shirt I’m play basketball A: Why are you wearing a ? B: Because going to . [θ??t?]?电影院,戏院 dress I’m go to the theatre Let’s try. 合并句: She is laughing because she is happy.


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