my school A_Lets_talk.ppt

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绿色圃中小学教育网 Unit 1 My School A Let’s talk on the box under the box in the box -Where’s the football? -It’s ____ the box. -Where’s the football? -It’s _____ the box. near -Where’s the football? -It’s ________ the box. next to the first floor the second floor the third floor the fourth floor Where is the library ? Its on the first floor. first floor second floor library teachers office Where is the teachers office? Its on the first floor, too. Where is the classroom ? Its on the second floor. library Where is the library? It’s on the first floor. 第一层 library teachers’ office classroom first floor second floor --Wheres the ... ? --It’s on the... A: Wheres the ________ ? (library/ teachers’ office/ classroom...) B: It’s on the _____ floor . (first/ second) Is this the teachers’ office? 这是教师办公室吗? Yes, it is. Is this the classroom? No, it isn’t. It’s the library. Where is the library? It’s on the first floor. Is it next to the teachers’ office.? Yes , it is. Where is the …..? It’s on the …… Is it next to …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Ask and answer Questions: 1.Where’s the teachers’ office? 2.Is the teachers’ office next to the library? It’s on the second floor. Yes, it is. Excuse me. Where’s the teachers’ office? It’s on the second floor. OK.Thanks. Hi. Is this the teachers’ office? No, it isn’t. The teachers’ office is next to the library. Hi, Miss White! Here’s my homework. Thank you,Mike. Bye, Miss White. 校园小向导招聘通知 假设下周美国加州奥蒙德小学学生将要来我校参观,现在招聘校园小向导,学校将会对小向导进行紧急培训,经考核合格颁发小向导证,请同学们积极踊跃报名。 Computer Room Library Reading Room Language Lab Science Lab the first floor the second floor the third floor Where’s the library? It’s next to the art room. It’s on the first floor. Look! That’s the library. It’s next to the teachers’ office. A: Excuse me. Where’s the teachers’ office? B: It’s on the second floor. A: OK. Thanks. A: Hi. Is this the teachers’ office? C: No, it isn’t. The teachers’ office is


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