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3b Write a conversation between the nurse and the student using the notes in 3a. Nurse: ________________________________ Student: ______________________________ Nurse: ________________________________ Student: ______________________________ 1 Write different health problems next to the body parts. Then write more health problems you know of. Head: Back: Throat: Tooth: Stomach: Other problems: 2 Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation. _____ I hurt myself playing soccer. I have a sore leg. _____ I think you should see a doctor and get an X-ray. _____ What’s the matter? _____ What should I do? _____ OK, thanks. I’ll do that now. _____ Oh, that doesn’t sound good. 3 Write advice for these people. 1. Problem: Alan cut himself. Advice: _____________________________ 2. Problem: Cindy has a headache. Advice: _____________________________ 3. Problem: My cousins have bad colds. Advice: _____________________________ 4. Problem: Jack hurt his back playing volleyball. Advice: _____________________________ 反身代词 表示反射或强调的代词叫做反身代词。反身代词是由第一人称、第二人称形容词性物主代词或第一人称人称代词宾格形式,词尾加self或selves组成。反身代词可译为“本人”、“本身”,为加强语气,也常译为“亲自”、“自己”。请见下表: themselves yourselves ourselves 复数 himself herself itself yourself myself 单数 第三人称 第二人称 第一人称 人称 数 But the driver didn’t think about himself. 但是司机并没有为自己着想。 Take good care of yourself. 好好照顾你自己。 The child can dress himself. 这孩子能自己穿衣服了。 宾语 例句 句法作用 Mary hasn’t quite been herself recently. 玛丽近来感到不适。 Just be yourself. 做你自己最好了。 表语 You had better ask the driver himself. 你最好问问司机本人。 Mrs. Black herself is a lawyer. 布莱克太太本人就是一名律师。 主语或宾语的同位语 【2013黑龙江哈尔滨】 24. No matter how difficult things seem to be, you should say to _____ “Never mind!” A positive attitude is the key to success. A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查反身代词的用法。由句中you可知此处应用yourselves,故选C。 【2013山东聊城】28. —Jim, please help ______ to some bread. —Thank you. A. himself B. yourself C. herself


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