七上 Starter Unit 1 SectionB period2.pptx

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Unit 1My names Gina. Period 4:Section B 2b—2cGameGame rule(游戏规则)10人参加,从1-10用英语报数,当有人数到数字“3”的倍数时,不许报数,要拍手,下一个人继续报数。如果有人报错数或拍错则下去,下一个人从“1”重新开始。(要求速度)Preview Please read 2b by yourself and underline these phrases(短语) according to(根据) the Chinese. 1)电话号码_____ 2)我的朋友______ 3)在中国______ 4)我的名字_______5)她的名字_____ 6)我的电话号码____Say the words as quickly as you can. (炸弹游戏)GameA bomb! first name telephone number China her name friend last namemy name her phone numberListening Listen to 2b to get the main idea(大意).The main idea of the three messages (信息) is about(关于)____first nameslast namesnames and phone numbersCTask 1Read the messages and match them with the pictures.1. My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672.2. I’m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344.3. My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.方法指导:一、A图是两个女孩子,其中一个是中国人, B图是两个外国女孩;C图是两个外国男孩。二、仔细阅读文字材料,从名字上提取有用的 信息,与相关图片去配对。例如:1. 从 Jenny Green, Gina Smith这两个名字可知 是两个外国女孩的名字,故对应B图。312Task 2Read the messages again to circle the first names and underline the last names.Jenny GreenGina SmithDale MillerEric BrownMary BrownZhang MingmingTask 3Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends. Names Telephone numbers Eric Brown 358-63444 Gina Smith 929-3155 Dale Miller 281-9176 Zhang Mingming 257-8900 Jenny Green 357-5689 Mary Brown 232-4672Friends 1. ___________ and ______________ 2. ___________ and ______________ 3. ___________ and ______________Jenny GreenGina SmithDale MillerEric BrownMary BrownZhang MingmingTask 4 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.namephone1. My ______ is Jenny Green. My ________ ______ is 281-9176. My ______ is Gina Smith. ________ phone


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