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Section A Period 1(1a-2b) Unit 9 What does he look like? 和静县第一中学 吴西莲 Ability aims (能力目标) 1. 会读、说描述他人体貌特征的形容词。 2. 能听懂有关描述他人外表的对话。 3. 学会简单描述他人发型,身高及身材。 Knowledge Objective (知识目标) 1. 词汇:1)名词n. height,build 2)形容词adj. curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy 2. 短语:(be)of medium height中等身高 (be) of medium build中等体格 curly hair卷发 straight hair直发 have black hair留黑发 have blonde hair留金发 3. 句型:What does he/she look like? 他/她长什么样? He/she is tall. 他/她是高个子。 He/she has short hair. 他/她留着短发。 情感目标: 学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊。 ①短发______ ②中等身高/个头________ ③长发___________④直发__________ ⑤高的___________ ⑥中等体型_________ ⑦卷发____________⑧瘦的________ ⑨重的__________ ⑩矮的___________ 1、他长什么样? 2、他是矮个子。 3、他留着长发。 short hair of medium height long hair straight hair tall of medium build curly hair thin heavy short What does he look like? He is short. He has long hair. Words and expressions curly straight tall medium height thin heavy build 卷曲的 直的 高的 中等的 身高;高度 瘦的 重的 身材 1.short hair ___ 2.curly hair ___ 3.long hair ___ 4.straight hair ___ 5.tall ___ 6.short ___ 7.medium height__ 8.thin ___ 9.heavy ___ 10.medium build ______ e b a a h f g c d g Match the words with the letters in the picture. (1a) tall short of medium height What does he look like?He is … What does she look like?She is … heavy of medium build thin What does she look like?She has ______ hair. short hair long hair What does she look like? She has ______ hair. straight hair curly hair Pairwork: A: What does Han Hong look like? B: She is _____. She is ______. She has ______ hair. heavy short short Pairwork: A: What does _______look like? B: She is ______. She is ______. She has ______ hair. 1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture. Can you find Amy’s friend? A: Is that your friend? B: No, it isn’t. A: What does he look like? Is he short


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