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重读闭音节 重读闭音节 重读闭音节 write take have make come arrive dance leave sit shop cut stop put get begin swim run Is he …? Is he …? clean v. 打扫,清除 do some cleaning 做卫生 adj. 干净的 —— dirty talking on the phone正在电话中交谈 on the phone 表示“通过电话”, on prep. “通过,以……方式”。 e.g. I’m learning English on the tape. on the radio 通过广播 on TV 在电视上 on the Internet 在网上 on the computer 在电脑上 talk to sb. 对某人说话 一方主动,一方被动的听 talk with sb. 和某人交谈 双方平等 talk about sth. 谈论某事 He is talking with his mother about his study. 他正和他妈妈谈论他的学习情况。 family, home和house区别 1)family意为“家,家庭”,是集合名词,着重 强调家庭成员,与房屋及设施无关。 e.g. How many people are there in your family? ② bus stop Conversation 1 A: Hello, is Tina there? B: No, she isn’t. She’s at the mall. A: Oh, is she shopping? B: No, she’s eating lunch with a friend. Conversation 2 A: Hello, is Mike there? B: Sorry. He’s still at school. A: Oh. Um, is he doing his homework? B: No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball. Conversation 3 A: Lisa? B: No, this is her sister, Julia. A: Oh. Is Lisa there? B: No, she isn’t. Um, she’s at the library. A: Oh. Is she reading? B: Yes, she is. in the first photo 在照片上 用介词“in”。 序数词前一般加定冠词the,但序数词前如果已有物主代词,如my, his等,则不能再加定冠词。 e.g. the first lesson第一课 our first lesson我们的第一课 This is my brother, Scott. 这是我哥哥,斯科特。 This is…表示“这是……”,此句型常用于将第三者介绍给对方认识。若同时介绍身份和名字,则先说身份,再说名字,中间用逗号隔开。 e.g. This is our math teacher, Mrs. Wang.这是我们的数学老师,王老师。 现在进行时的标志: I am doing homework now. Look! Tom is playing soccer. Listen! They are reading English. . It’s six o’clock. My mother is cooking breakfast. 现在六点了。我妈妈正在做早餐。 (根据语境或上下文意思,表示动作正在进行。) Where is your mother? She is cooking dinner. Don’t make a noise. The baby is sleeping. 不要吵。婴儿正在睡觉。 Exercises 1. This TV _____ is interesting. A. movie B. shop C. sport D. show Exercises eat dinner 吃晚饭 talk on the phone. 在电话上交谈 注意用介词on want to do sth 想要做某事 go to the movies 去看电影 That sounds good. 那听起来不错 TV show 电视节目 wr


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