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Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins. Ⅰ Teaching model Listening and speaking Ⅱ Teaching method Communicative approach Ⅲ Teaching aims: 1.能了解并正确使用带有as soon as 的状语从句 2.谈论有关中国以及世界一些重要的假日和日期的表达 Key vocabulary:UK,found,flag,vocation,take a vocation,season,as soon as,fourth sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,twelfth,twentieth Labour Day劳动节, as soon as 一…就 , take a vacation度假 have .. off 休息/放假 Important points: 1 when is Independence Day? Independence Day 独立日 2 What is pubic holiday? Public holiday 公共假日 3 When do most people take a vacation ? take a vacation 去度假, 休假 表示度假的短语有:spend a vacation /for vacation Ⅳ Teaching aids: Tape recorder, OHP, pictures, handouts Ⅴ Teaching Steps Step 1:Warming-up 1. Lead in the topic by a picture and show the teaching aims to the Ss. 2. Talk about the pictures. Ask the students to look at the pictures about public holidays. 3. Learn some new words and try to remember them. Step 2:Listening and vocabulary 1. Ask the students to say something about the public holidays in China and America. the date, origin, customs, activities, etc. 2. Play the tape and have them read and follow. And then choose the best answer. 3. Learn Everyday English Step 3:Explain the important and difficult points 1.Our national day is Independence Day. It’s on 4th July. 我们的国庆日是独立日,在7月4日。 每年7 月4 日是美国独立日(Independence Day),英语中也称作Fourth of July,是美 国的主要法定节日之一,以纪念1776 年7 月4 日《独立宣言》在费城正式通过。独 立宣言由托马斯·杰斐逊起草,宣布北美13 个殖民地脱离英国统治。美利坚合众国 由此建立。 2.... but we only have one day off. ……但我们只放一天假。 off 在这里表示“不上班”。例如: I am taking a week off over Christmas. 圣诞节期间我会休假一星期。 I am going to have some time off. 我准备休一段时间假。 3.And anything special? (你们会做)什么特别的事情吗? And my family always goes somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins. 假期一开始,我们一家就会去某个好玩的地方。 用形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词的时候,形容词往往要放在不定代词或不定副词的 后面,如anything special, somewhere interesting。再如: Don’t do anything stupid. 不要做傻事。


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