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How much are the pants? Section B Which is your lucky(幸运的) number? Can you deal with these math problems? Question A: Eight and five is Question B: Three and nine is Question E: Sixteen and _______ is thirty. Question F: Thirty minus(减) ______ is nine. Question G: Fourteen and fourteen is_______. Question H: Thirteen and _________ is thirty-one. How much is the fried chicken? 6 yuan expensive or cheap ? 昂贵的 便宜的 I can afford it. 70000 dollars I can’t afford it. 3 yuan I can afford it. A.买得起 B.买不起 What does “afford” mean? We have yellow hat for only 3 yuan . ¥15 ¥2 We have … for only… ¥10 ¥18 ¥25 3 yuan * Unit 7 $ 30 $ 24 $45 $15 ¥ 20 ¥ 4 复习-----看图说一说 如:The white hat is 5 dollars . 1学习和掌握数字单词 ten, eleven , twelve ,thirteen, fourteen ,fifteen , sixteen,…… 2巩固如何询问价格的句型 ① How much is …? - It’s … ②How much are … ? -They’re … 3 训练听力. 写出以下数字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one ---- ten --- one hundred two ---- twelve ---- twenty three --- thirteen --- thirty four --- fourteen --- forty five --- fifteen --- fifty six --- sixteen --- sixty seven --- seventeen --- seventy eight --- eighteen --- eighty nine --- nineteen --- ninety 1: 1---12: (记住每个单词) 2: 13---19: -teen (thir-, fif-, eigh-) 3: 20---90: -ty (twen-, thir-, for-, fif-, eigh-) 4: 21---99: 十位 __ 个位 5: 100---900: _______ hundred 6: 101---999: _______ hundred and __ 个位 十位 __ __ 个位 小结: 汉译英: 11个足球 14个西红柿 23件衬衫 28只红袜子 35顶帽子 33个乒乓拍 45条短裤 48件毛衣 57双绿鞋子 55个闹钟 eleven soccer balls fourteen tomatoes twenty-three shirts twenty-eight red socks. thirty-five hats thirty-three ping-pong bats forty-five shorts forty-eight sweaters fifty-seven green shoes fifty-five clocks 1b Write a number in 1a next to the correct word below.Which two rows of numbers are in the wrong place? 把活动1a中的数字写在下面对应


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