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Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) 拉斐尔 The School of Athens Masaccio(1401-1427), the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance, whose innovations in the use of scientific perspective inaugurated the modern era in painting. Madonna with Child and Angels Crucifixion 耶稣 的钉刑 Masaccio的作品: Henri Matisse 1869.12-1954 餐桌 拾穗 伏尔加纤夫 自由引 Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained. 好的画犹如佳肴, 可以品其美味, 却无法解释。 THE BEST OF MANHATTAN’S ART GALLERLES The Frick Collection弗里克收藏馆 Henry Clay Frick Guggenheim Museum 古根海姆博物馆 Metropolitan Museum Of Art 大都会博物馆 Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆 Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆 name address Which centuries? What countries? America Museum of Modern Art Whitney Museum of American Art 945 Madison Avenue (near 75th St.) Contemporary(mainly art by living artists) 53th St. (between 5th and 6th Avenues) Late-19th century to 21st century Western countries From ancient to modern times Guggenheim Museum Western countries The Frick Collection Western countries Metropolitan Museum of Art 5th Avenue and 82nd Street All over the world 5th Avenue and 88th Street Modern (from late 19th century onwards) 5th and Madison Avenues Before the 20th century 条件状语从句 从句 主句 与现在相反 did/were 与过去相反 had done 与将来相反 did/were were to do should do do have done do would could might would could might would could might if条件状语从句 If Diana _______ (do) the job, she would do it in a different way. 2. If I knew Bill’s phone number, I ________ (call) him about the change . 3. If he had not made many mistakes, he ____ _____________ (pass ) the test. If it were to rain tomorrow, We ___________ (not go) for a picnic. If he ______(see) you yesterday, he would have told you. did would call would have passed wouldn’t go had seen 6. If there _______(be) no water on earth, there could be no living things. 7. If you had gone to see the doctor earlier, you ___________________(not fall) seriously il


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