八上Unit7Section B 1课件.ppt

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教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:apartment, rocket, space, space station, even, human, servant, dangerous, already, factory, simple, over and over again, believe, hundreds of, inside, disagree, shape, fall, fall down, look for, possible, impossible 2) 能掌握以下句型: ① —Where do you live? —I live in an apartment. ② There are already robots working in factories. ③ It’s easy for children to wake up and know where they are. ④ That may not seem possible now, but computers and rockets seemed impossible 100 years ago. 3) 能综合运用will表达一般将来时态。 Words and expressions astronaut apartment rocket space space station human n.宇航员;航天员 n.公寓套房 n.火箭 n.太空;空间 太空站;宇宙空间站 adj.人的;n.人 Words and expressions servant dangerous already factory over and over again believe n.仆人 adj.有危险的;不安全的 adv.已经;早已 n.工厂 多次;反复 v.相信;认为有可能 Words and expressions disagree even hundreds of shape fall fall down v.不同意;有分歧 adv.甚至;连 许多;大量 n.外形;形状 v.倒塌;跌倒;掉落 跌倒;倒塌 Words and expressions inside look for possible impossible side probably adv.prep.在……里面 寻找;寻求 adj.可能的 adj.不可能的 n.一方(的意见;态度立场) adv.很可能;大概 Words and expressions during holiday word prep.在……期间 n.假期;假日 n.单词;词 Tell something about the future with more, less or fewer. There will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea. There will be more cars because there will be more people. There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same jobs as people. There will be more cities because people will build more buildings in the country. People will have more free time because there will be less things to do. I will live in a high building. I will be a pilot. What do you want to be in the future? Where will you live? H


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