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七年级英语上句型总复习 背诵的内容 (1)---Good morning, Eric! ? ? ? ---Good morning, Dale! (2) ---Good afternoon, Helen! ---Good afternoon, Cindy! (3) ---Good evening, Alice! ---Good evening, Bob! (4) ---How are you ? ---I’m fine, thank you . And you?(=How are you ?) ---I’m OK. (5) ---How do you do ?(你好!) ---How do you do?(你好!) (6) ---What’s this in English? ---It’s a map/ a ruler/a pen/ a quilt/a key/ an orange/ an apple/an eraser. (7) ---What’s this in English? ---It’s a jacket. ---Spell it, please. ---J-A-C-K-E-T. (8) ---What color is it? --- It’s red/ yellow/ green/ blue/ black/ white. (9) ---What’s your name? ? ---What’s her name ? ? ?---What’s his name? ---My name is Alan. ? ? ---Her name is Mary. ? ?---His name is Peter. (10) ---Hello, I’m Jim. Nice to meet you ! ---Hi, My name is Jenny. Nice to meet you, too ! (11) My name is Jenny Brown. The first name is Jenny. The last name(=family name) is Brown. (12) ---What’s your telephone number ? --- What’s her/his telephone number ? ?? My telephone number is 535-2375. ? Her/His telephone number is 146-89370. ?(13) ---Is this your pencil? ? ? ---Is that her backpack? ? ? ?---Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. ?---Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. (13) ---Are these his books? ? ? ? ? ? ? ---Are those your erasers? ---Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. ? ? ?---Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. (14) ---Is this your watch? Call Alan at 495-3539. (15) ---This is my sister/ brother/ mother/ father/ grandmother/ grandfather/ friend/ aunt/ uncle (16) ---These are his sisters/ brothers/ parents/ grandparents/ friends/cousins. (17) ---That is her sister/ brother/ mother/ father/ grandmother/ grandfather/ friend/ aunt/ uncle (18) ---Those are your sisters/ brothers/ parents/ grandparents/ friends. (19) ---Is he your son? ? ? ? ? ? ?---Is she your daughter? ---Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t. ? ? ---Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. (20) ---Hello, Mary. This is Tom.(向别人介绍朋友或同事时用此句型This is ……) ---Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you. ---Nice to meet you, too. (21) ---Thanks for the p


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