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Su Hai and Su Yangs new home It is Sunday morning. Su Yang, Su Hai and Mum are moving into the new house. 苏海,苏阳和妈妈正在搬家。 in the living room Tips: 认真观看卡通,看看Su Hai和Su Yang正在做什么? A 、They’re cleaning the new house. 她们正在打扫新房子。 B、They’re looking for their things. 她们正在寻找她们的东西。 Tips:快速读课文,勾出她们所寻找的物品。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) √ √ √ Tips:细读课文,找出物品所在的位置完成表格。 Where? Things A. B. C. D. E. E.bedroom C.living room B.kitchen A. sofa Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is ! in the kitchen 惊讶?!好笑?! 过来看看 Reading time 选择一种你喜欢的方式读课文。 C. Read in two.(和同桌一起齐读课文) A. Read the story loudly. (大声的朗读课文) B. Read in roles.(分角色朗读课文) Mum, where’s my bag? It’s in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? They’re in the living room, on the sofa. Where’s my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isn’t. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen ! (小小配音员) Tips:三人一小组,分别扮演Mum、Su Hai和Su Yang。注意人物的表情、语气哦! 1.Su Hai’s bag is in the bedroom. ( ) 2.Su Hai’s skirts are under the sofa. ( ) 3.Su Yang’s cap is in the dog’s mouth. ( ) 4.The skirts are in the bathroom(浴室). ( ) F F T F Su Yang’s on living room 根据课文内容判断下列句子是否正确,用T或F表示。 Where’s/Where are….? It’s/They’re in/on/under the… Is it/Are they…? Yes, it’s/they’re in/on/under the… Now Su Hai and Su Yang are still looking for their things. Where are the things? 同学们,大胆想象物品所在的位置,用下列句型和你的同桌对话。 We should keep our things in order. 自己的物品要整理得井井有条 Read ‘Story time’4 times, act the story with your partner(把story time读四遍,并和同桌表演对话。) 2.Draw a dream home after class. 课后画一个自己梦想的家。 Copy the words (抄写单词bedroom、living room六遍)


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