Grammar Focus_844036.ppt

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(2010湖北?黄冈) The students ought to wear school uniforms when they’re at school. ? A. are supposed to? B. are allowed to??? C. would like to??? D. love to (2010?通化) Students?are?_______ to speak loudly in?the?reading?room. A. told???? B. supposed?? C. not?supposed???? D. allowed A C (2012·湖北黄石市中考) 你应该找份兼职以多挣点钱。 You ________ _________ to find a part-time job to earn more money. (2013辽宁鞍山) 学生在校期间应该穿校服. Students are__________ ____________ to wear school uniforms on school days. are supposed are supposed * * Section A Grammar Focus be relaxed about rush around a little late go to one’s house for dinner arrive a bit late in everyday lives drop by one’s home 对某事随意、不严格 到处奔忙,风风火火地 ?晚了一点;有点迟 去某人家里吃饭 晚到一会儿 在日常生活中 顺便拜访某人/顺便到某人家坐坐 Translate the phrases. make plans meet friends kiss sb. on the side of the face walk around the town center on time after all at noon be expected to do sth. be 15 minutes late get mad make an effort 制定计划 会见朋友 吻某人一侧的脸 绕市中心逛逛 准时 毕竟;终归 中午时分;在正午 被期望做某事 迟到15分钟 大动肝火;气愤 尽心;做出努力 Read the sentences paying attention to the colored parts. What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? You’re supposed to shake hands. You’re not supposed to kiss. What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They’re supposed to bow. When were you supposed to arrive? I was supposed to arrive at 7:00. Am I supposed to wear jeans? It’s very important to be on time. It is polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face. “be supposed to”的用法 1. be supposed to意为“应该;被期望/期待; 理应”,用来表示根据规定人们不得不做某事,或期待发生某事,时态、人称和句式的变化在be上体现,to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。 2. be supposed to do的否定式,要在be后加not, 此时相当于be not allowed to do, 意为“不被许可;不应当”。 3. 如果表达“过去某时应该(不应该)做”时,用was (wasn’t) / were (weren’t) supposed to do, 相当于should (shouldn’t) have + 动词过去分词。 be supposed to do sth. “应该做某事”, 某人被期望做某事, 主语通常是人, 相当于be expected to do sth.,常用来提出建议,其否定


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