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成昆象牙雕 中国送给联合国的礼物—成昆象牙雕。 这座象牙雕刻是1974年中国赠送给联合国的礼物。它描述的是1970年通车的成昆铁路。这条铁路全长一千多公里。连接了中国南方的云南省和西南方的四川省。这座象牙雕用八支象牙雕成,98个人雕刻了两年多,工艺的精湛令人赞叹。你甚至可以看到刻在火车里的细小人物。 Let’s know more about the UN. China gave the present to the UN in 1974. The UN was founded(成立) in 1945. China joined(加入) the UN in 1971. 1.Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? 2.Do you want to go inside? 3.I want to show Daming the present from China. 4.I want to take a photo. 我的眼睛最尖 want to表达想要做某事, 后面接动词原形 Daming Simon Simon’s Dad The world is beautiful , and I wish there is no war in the world , let’s show our love and make the world a better place. 世界是美丽的,我希望世界上没有战争,让我们用爱来创造一个更美好的世界吧! * 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? Ms Chen I want to show you some photos. The Great Wall The West Lake The London Eye Big Ben What a big building! the UN building UN United Nations 联合国 the UN =the United Nations the US =the United States the UK =the United Kingdom 联合国 美国 英国 知识小链接 联合国(the United Nations) 是一个世界性综合性的政府间国际组织,截止2011年有193个会员国(member states)。联合国大会总部所在地是美国纽约、瑞士日内瓦、奥地利维也纳、肯尼亚内罗毕;联合国在维护世界和平,缓和国际紧张局势,解决地区冲突方面,在协调国际经济关系,促进世界各国经济、科学、文化的合作与 交流方面,都发挥着积极的作用。 Look at all the flags! Here’s a flag of China! There are flags from . all aroud the world 到处,遍及 a flag of Canada a flag of England a flag of China a flag of America a flag of Australia a flag of Japan How many member states are there in the US? 成员国 There are 193 countries in the US. How many member states are there in the US? one hundred and ninety-three 成员国 Can you guess it’s meaning? 你能猜猜它的含义吗? world peace Do you want to go inside? Let’s go inside (向里面) . Many countries give presents to the UN. Q1: What’s the present from China to the UN? It’s a train. * 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网


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