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We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was _______ much to do in the evening but read. Still ______ seemed to be bored. Bye for now! Mark Lesson Two Role-play the conversation in 2d. Hi, Helen. Long time no see. Hi, Rick. Yes, ... … ... 1. 你去了什么地方度假? ______ _____ you go on ________? 2. 我去了纽约市。 I _____ ____ New York City. 3. 你和别的什么人一起去的吗? ______ ______ go out with _______? vacation Where did went to Did you anyone 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 4. 不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。 No. ____ _____ was here. ________ was on ________. 5. 你买了什么特别的东西了吗? _____ you buy ________ _______? 6. 是的,我为我爸爸买了些东西。 Yes, I _______ _________ for my father. 7. 不,我没有买什么东西。 No, I _______ _________. No one Everyone vacation anything special Did bought something bought nothing 8. 吃的怎么样?____ ____ the food? 9. 所有的东西尝起来都很好。 __________ _______ really good. 10. 每个人都玩得很开心吗? _____ ________ have a good time? 11. 哦,是的。一切都很棒。 Oh, yes. ____________ was excellent. How was Everything tasted Did everyone Everything 某人 某事 任何人 任何事 没有人 没有东西 每人 一切 1. some, any, no, every与-one, -thing可以 组成八个不定代词,他们分别是: someone 复合不定代词小结: anyone no one everyone something anything nothing everything 2. 带some的复合不定代词常用于肯定句 中;带any的复合不定代词常用于否定 句或一般疑问句中。 e.g. 我想吃点东西。 I’d like ___________ to eat. 今天有人给我打电话吗? Did ________ call me today? anyone something 3. 当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在其 后面。 e.g. 这本书里有什么新东西吗? Is there _________ _____ in this book? 今天没有什么特别的事。 There’s _________ _______ today. anything new nothing special 4. 由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定 代词作主语时,都作单数看待,其谓 语动词用单数第三人称形式。 e.g. Something is wrong with my watch. Well, everyone wants to win. Nobody knows what the future will be like. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park. 5. 除no one以外,其他复合不定代词都写成一个词。 3a Fill in the blanks with the wo


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