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写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式: tall short big thin heavy good/well bad/badly taller tallest shorter shortest bigger biggest thinner thinnest heavier heaviest better best worse worst 多音节形容词,其比较级与最高级形式为前面加more, most。 1. creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的 e.g. John is the most creative student in class. 约翰是班里最有创造性的 学生。 2. performer n. 表演者;演员 e.g. Who do you think is the best performer in the movie? 你认为在这部电影中谁是最好的演员? 动词 perform (表演)+er → performer 演员 Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart. 1a funniest most creative quietest best most serious worst loudest most creative most boring quietest best funniest My aunt speaks the loudest. My cousin, Li Ning sings the worst. Mr. Wu is the most serious person I know. My cousin, Nick is the most boring kid I know. My friend, Lin is the quietest. Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in 1a. 1b Do you know what a talent show is? Do you want to have a talent show in our school? Let’s go to a school’s talent show. Look at the pictures and guess who they are. Eliza Vera Steve Dennis The Math Teachers Eliza ___ Vera ___ Steve ___ Dennis ___ The math teachers ___ Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers. a b d c 1c e Names What people say Eliza best, Steve Vera Dennis The Math Teachers 1d Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear. funniest creative, the most creative loudest worst, terrible excellent, great Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation. 1e Who was the best performer? Eliza was the best performer. Who was the funniest performer? Steve was the funniest performer. 1.Remember some words and expression. 2.Do some exercises .


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