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文件 [F] 编辑[E] 插入[I] 格式 [O] 工具[T] 帮助[H] 文件 [F] 编辑[E] 插入[I] 格式 [O] 工具[T] 帮助[H] Unit 4 Communication workshop (Writing) Introduce a place By the end of this lesson , you will be able to know some necessary information about Hefei; master some sentence patterns; ? write an article to describe Hefei. Do you like Hefei? Do you know the origin of the name Hefei? 北魏郦道元《水经注》云:夏水暴涨,施(今南淝河)合于肥(今东淝河),故曰合肥。 《尔雅》上指出“归异出同曰肥”。二水皆曰肥,合于一源,分而为二,故曰合肥。 【范文展示】 巴黎是法国的首都,也是一个梦幻般的城市,每年吸引世界各地大批游客来观光游玩。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇介绍巴黎的短文。 1. 地理位置:法国北部; 2. 人口:大约一千一百万; 3. 气候:不太热也不太冷,春秋天最好; 4. 基本情况:欧洲第二大城布。法国文化、教育、商业中心。时尚与浪漫之都,很多重大活动在此举行。有悠久的历史和丰富的旅游资源。最著名的有艾菲尔铁塔(the Eiffel Tower)、凯旋门(the Triumphal Arch)和圣母院 (Old Notre Dame)等。 注意:1) 不要逐条翻译,但是可增加细节,以使文章连贯、通顺; 2) 词数:120左右 Paris, a very beautiful city in the world , the capital of France, is located in the north of France. It has a population of about eleven million. It is the second largest city in Europe. As for the weather, it never gets too hot or too cold. And it is at its best during the spring and autumn months. Paris is the culture, education, business center of France. It is a city of fashion and romance. So many important events have been held here. It is well known that Paris is a modern city with a long history and rich tour resources.There are so many places for people to visit. The most famous are the Eiffel Tower, the Triumphal Arch and Old Notre Dame. In a word, Paris is really a great and attractive city. Task 1 Question: Whats the tense of this article? —————————————— Present Simple(一般现在时) introduce a place location area climate history people famous sights things to do characteristic Task 3 Para 1. location climate/ population...... Para 2. general Sightseeing (things to see/do): ...... Para 3. Conclusion


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