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Unit1 My cousins and I 教学目标: 能听懂、读懂有关Ma Tao’s auntie’s family的简短对话,并朗读对话; 能在理解对话的基础上,根据对话内容判断句子正误。 能在理解对话的基础上,运用4b中的六个核心句型谈论Ma Tao’s auntie’s family的基本情况。 教学重点:能在理解对话的基础上谈论Ma Tao’s auntie’s family的基本情况。 教学难点:熟练掌握并灵活运用Where、When、What、Who、How many、Why等句型与他人谈论自己的堂表兄弟姐妹及家庭成员情况。 教学过程: Step1: warming up 1 Greetings 2 Free talk 教师使用透视功能让学生猜照片。 T: Guess, who are they? Step2: Presentation 1 Listen and think a Did Ma Tao have a good time at Spring Festival? b How do you know? (板书: Ma Tao’s auntie’s family) 2 Listen again and think: a How many peoples are there in Ma Tao’s auntie’s family? b Who are they? (板书: aunt, uncle/Martin , Liza, Bill) T: Who are they? 学生认读人物名称。 3 Listen and read 4 Tick and check 5 Understand the dialogue 1 Learn the first part Play the matching game in groups b Show time 2 Learn the second part Practise in groups. b Show time 3 Answer the question “Why did they come to China?” Step3 Practice 1 Act out the dialogue. Step4: Consolidation 1 Conversation practice a. The teacher shows a photo of cousin, and then discusses it with the pupils. b. The pupils talk about their cousins in pairs 2 Show time Bb: Unit 1 My cousin and I ) Sydney,Australia aunt uncle When (time) before Ma Tao’s born What (job) a nurse Ma Tao’s Who Martin aunt’s family cousin How many two children Liza Bill Why for Spring Festival 阅读第一部分,完成配对游戏并设计问句。 Where Spring Festival Sydney When Australia hospital What before Ma Tao was born a nurse ?( place) ?( time ) ?( job ) Question? 1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5.


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