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girl boy grandfather grandmother sister brother father mother woman man he she Let’s chant Boy is he. Girl is she. Boy and girl. He and she. Father is he. Mother is she. Father and mother, One, two, three! Brother is he. Sister is she. Brother and sister, A,B,C. Who’s that girl ? She’s my sister. Who’s that boy ? He’s my brother. Who’s that boy? He’s Mike. No, she isn’t. (不,她不是。) Yes, she is. (是的,她是。) Mike, is she your mother? (她是你的妈妈吗?) No, he isn’t. (不,他不是。) Yes, he is. (是的,他是。) Mike, is he your father? (他是你的爸爸吗?) Let’s chant Is she your mother? No, she isn’t. Is she your sister? Yes, she is. Is he your father? No, he isn’t. Is he your brother? Yes, he is. Let’s talk Amy: Whos that boy? Sarah: He’s my brother. Amy: Is she your mother? Sarah: Yes, she is. Amy: Is he your father? Sarah: No, he isn’t. He’s my teacher. Tip:结合所学内容,小组合作创编一个新对话。如: A:Who’s that boy/man/girl/woman? B: Guess.(猜) A: Is he/ she…? B: Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isn’t. Work in groups(小组合作) 当你还很小的时候,爸爸妈妈花了很多时间教你用勺子、用筷子吃东西,教你穿衣服、绑鞋带、系扣子,教你洗脸,教你梳头发,教你做人的道理。所以,所以当他们有天变老时,当他们忘记系扣子、绑鞋带,当他们开始在吃饭时弄脏衣服,当他们梳头时手开始不停的颤抖……请不要催促他们……因为你在慢慢长大,而他们却在慢慢变老……只要你在他们眼前的时候,他们的心就会很温暖。如果有一天当他们站也站不稳,走也走不动的时候,请你紧紧地握住他们的手,陪他们慢慢地走……就像……就像当年他们牵着你一样……When you are very young, mom and dad spent a lot of time to teach you to use a spoon to eat with chopsticks, teach you wear clothes, tie shoelaces, fasten the buttons, teach you to wash your face, comb your hair, teach you the truth in life. So, so when they become old, when they cant think of it or if not then, please dont blame them; when they forget the Department of buttons, tie shoelaces, when they began to eat dirty clothes, tremble when they began to comb the hand does not stop ... ... Please dont urge them ... ... Because you grow up slowly, and they are slowly getting old ... ... As long as


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